Cecil M. Harden Lake Fishing Spot

  • Elevation: 661'
  • Last Modified By: vinny60 on 09/09/09 09:01 PM
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Fish Species


  • The South end of the beach, off of the South point is on of the more productive areas in the lake for catfishes. If success is limited you may try an alterative bait such as a commerical blood bait, or some tainted chicken livers. Striped bass seem to be one of the more popular sporting fishes as they will fight aggresively to get off of an angler's line. As the summer temperatures sky rocket the Striped bass will typically seek out the deeper, cooler waters. Fishing Hint: try fishing straight out off of points into deep channels.

Cecil M. Harden Lake Description

9 miles East of Rockville on US 36, Shoreline fishing is good. Cecil M. Harden Lake, also known as Raccoon Lake, is over 2,000 acres wide and is a great place to while away your summer hours and reel in some great fishing. A popular spot for the reel-and-rod-set, you can catch bass, catfish, walleye and stiped bass or white bass as they like to call them here. Visitors can also relax on a floating pad, swim, snorkel, boat or water-ski. This is a popular camping destination and provides visitors with plenty of activities. You can play volleyball, visit the archery range, play basketball, hike, toss a few horseshoes, or find a secluded place to have a picnic. Cecil M. Harden Lake is a treehugger's delight, with surrounded by numerous species of trees and dotted with wildflowers, berries, nuts and mushrooms. The park also has plenty of playground equipment for tykes.

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