Elm River Fishing Spot

  • Elevation: 372'
  • Last Modified By: vinny60 on 09/09/09 05:39 PM
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... vinny60 posted in IL

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Elm River Description

The Elm River is a short tributary of the Little Wabash River in southeastern Illinois in the United States. Via the Little Wabash, Wabash and Ohio Rivers, it is part of the watershed of the Mississippi River. The Elm flows for its entire length in Wayne County. It is formed by the confluence of Elm Creek and Raccoon Creek, which flow from Clay County, and thence flows generally southeastwardly to its confluence with the Little Wabash. Portions of the stream's lower course have been channelized and re-routed to drainage ditches.

The Elm River is a short tributary of the Little Wabash River in southeastern Illinois in the United States. Via the Little Wabash, Wabash and Ohio Rivers, it is part of the watershed of the Mississippi River.

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